I want to make emoji bigger than the text that surrounds them. At my age and eyesight, it can be difficult to tell the difference between 😃, 😄, and 😊 when they are as small as the text.
Is there a way to use CSS to increase the font size of specific characters without having to wrap them in an extra <span> or similar?
Yes! Although it is a bit of a hack.
Mazda is purging touchscreens from its vehicles ()
Graphics with scientific data become clearer when the colours are chosen carefully. It is convenient to have good default schemes ready for each type of data, with colours that are:
distinct for all people, including colour-blind readers;
distinct from black and white;
distinct on screen and paper;
matching well together.
This site shows such schemes, developed with the help of mathematical descriptions of colour differences and the two main types of colour-blind vision.
RT @LeaVerou: I made a new mini-app! Easy color contrast ratios
"When a color combination doesn’t pass WCAG, it usually is hard to read"
Web tool for guidance in choosing choropleth map color schemes, based on the research of Dr. Cynthia Brewer. Built and maintained by Axis Maps.
RT @assaf: firstName/lastName considered harmful: everything you need to know about the varieties of personal names ...
The Invisible is a site about difficult-to-detect things that have great impact.