A (Python) script to approximate the number of distinct values in a stream of elements using the (simple) Chakraborty/Vinodchandran/Meel algorithm (https://arxiv.org/pdf/2301.10191#section.2).
Compared to sort/uniq:
– sort/uniq always uses less memory (about 30-50%).
– sort/uniq is about 5 times slower.
Compared to 'the awk construct':
– awk uses about the same amount of time (0.5x-2x).
– awk uses much more memory for large files. Basically linear to the file size, while ApproxiCount has an upper bound. For typical multi-GiB files this can mean factors of 20x-150x, e.g. 5GiB (awk) vs. 40MiB (aprxc).
diffoscope is a tool to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories different. It recursively unpacks archives of many kinds and transforms various binary formats into more human readable forms to compare them.
gifski converts video frames to GIF animations using pngquant's fancy features for efficient cross-frame palettes and temporal dithering. It produces animated GIFs that use thousands of colors per frame.
An intuitive CLI for processing video, powered by FFmpeg
Crop, trim, resize, reverse, rotate, remove audio, change the speed, change the frame rate, change the volume, convert to a different file format
Run multiple operations on multiple video files concurrently
Inspect HTTP requests.
RequestBin lets you create a URL that will collect requests made to it, then let you inspect them in a human-friendly way. Use RequestBin to see what your HTTP client is sending or to look at webhook requests.
Thanks guys, google was not able to return any of this apparently. FYI: / / omnigraffle for mac