CyberChef is a simple, intuitive web app for carrying out all manner of "cyber" operations within a web browser. These operations include simple encoding like XOR and Base64, more complex encryption like AES, DES and Blowfish, creating binary and hexdumps, compression and decompression of data, calculating hashes and checksums, IPv6 and X.509 parsing, changing character encodings, and much more.
The tool is designed to enable both technical and non-technical analysts to manipulate data in complex ways without having to deal with complex tools or algorithms. It was conceived, designed, built and incrementally improved by an analyst in their 10% innovation time over several years.
Git-Truck is a tool that provides you with a truckload of visualizations for your git repository, and helps you find out if your project has a good truck factor.
Remember every project will have most of these invisible “work” types
A CLI to easily manage .env files and keep them consistent. It is simple, fast, error resistant, and composable.
TL;DR: Asynchronous communication through high-fidelity mediums like issues and chat eliminate the endemic “you had to be there” aspect of most corporate workflows, and reduces the need for a dedicated management class to capture, collect, and shuttle information back and forth between business units.
I stopped trying to define Unit Tests (I would define it as Feathers defined it) and now exclusively use the terms:
I/O-Based tests: has I/O in the test (accesses clock, database, etc.)
I/O-Free tests: no I/O access in the test (no current date/time, no random numbers, no file access, no network access, etc.)
I'll slip up and use "Unit" when I really mean I/O-Free (and "Integration" when I mean "I/O-Based"), but for the most part I've switched.
There's so much baggage and debate around "what's a unit?", when that isn't always the most important question. I've found it much easier to explain that when doing #TDD, we want to use I/O-Free tests as they'll be sufficiently fast to get feedback in less than a couple of seconds.
Scriv is a command-line tool for helping developers maintain useful changelogs. It manages a directory of changelog fragments. It aggregates them into entries in a CHANGELOG file.