Tide is a friendly HTTP server built for casual Rustaceans and veterans alike. It's completely modular, and built directly for async/await. Whether it's a quick webhook, or an L7 load balancer, Tide will make it work.
Powerful HTTP and GraphQL tool belt
Free and open source on Mac, Windows, and Linux
Query {
filters: [
Filter {
connector: None,
condition: Condition {
left: Column("age"),
equality: LT,
right: Number(13)
subfilter: [
Filter {
PostgREST serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database. It provides a cleaner, more standards-compliant, faster API than you are likely to write from scratch.
restSQL is an ultra-lightweight data access layer for HTTP clients. restSQL is a persistence framework or engine in the middle tier of a classic three tier architecture: client, application server and database. It may also be embedded in any middle-tier as a Java library.
Cornice provides helpers to build & document REST-ish Web Services with Pyramid, with decent default behaviors.
Dagny is a Django adaptation of Ruby on Rails’s Resource-Oriented Architecture (a.k.a. ‘RESTful Rails’).
Dagny makes it really easy to build resourceful web applications.
HTTP and URIs are the basis of the World Wide Web, yet they are often misunderstood, and their implementations and uses are sometimes incomplete or incorrect.
This document tries to improve this situation by providing a set of good practices to improve implementations of HTTP and related standards (Web servers, server-side Web engines), as well as their use.