Denkmäler des Irrtums - Hoffnung von Gestern - Folklore von Morgen
Wandteller stehen für Heimat, Idylle, Nostalgie, für Windmühlen in Delfter Blau. Was Windmühlen früher waren, sind Atomkraftwerke heute: Energiebauwerke. Ihre ikonenhaften Silhouetten prägen die Landschaft und damit unser Heimatbild. Als Kathedralen einer technologischen Weltanschauung versprachen sie Unabhängigkeit und unendliches Wachstum. Sie sind Zeugnis ihrer Epoche, Relikte des Fortschritts und Zeichen einer Zeitenwende. Die Tage der Windmühlen sind längst vergangen und nun neigt sich die Dämmerung über die Ära der deutschen Atomkraft. Höchste Zeit also, Atomkraftwerke als das zu zeigen, was sie sind:
Denkmäler des Irrtums - Hoffnung von Gestern - Folklore von Morgen
OK, OK. There aren’t exactly ten thousands different ways to hold chopsticks. But there are more than the one presumed, “correct” way to use chopsticks, and the one presumed, “incorrect/crossed” way to use chopsticks.
This article provides a visual guide to different chopstick grips that we have observed and recorded in real eating situations, such as the Standard Grip, the Idling Thumb grip, the Vulcan Grip, and the Chicken Claws grip. These are all fine ways of using chopsticks. In the spirit of #utensilequality, all grips are equal at the table. But these chopstick holding styles are also all different. We have captured this view in our retrospective, The Art and Science of Chopsticking.
Flowers of Fire: Illustrations from Japanese Fireworks Catalogues (ca. 1880s)
Welcome to Smithsonian Open Access, where you can download, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images—right now, without asking. With new platforms and tools, you have easier access to more than 4.4 million 2D and 3D digital items from our collections—with many more to come. This includes images and data from across the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, nine research centers, libraries, archives, and the National Zoo.
Small File Media Festival... small files done well for a lower carbon impact internet.
Submissions due May 30.
Now I can't stop thinking about how much data we can cram into less space with IPFS's built-in deduplication...
@hynek but you already can buy stuff from the artist:
Fantastic illustrator & comic artist I met at #spiel2014: Thalia Brückner
I can't stop looking at these images