18 results
18GB, all for free. Use it for personal and commercial projects with zero attribution.
The photos are all at the full resolution from my cameras and feature landscapes, architecture, wildlife, skies, and more. These work great for photobashing as well as they do for studies.
Packs included:
- Bucharest & London
- Australia
- New Zealand
- American Southwest
- Switzerland
- Iceland
- England & France
- Yosemite
- Caves
- NEW: Scotland!
Go make awesome art.
RT @lunivore: Really liking this article on pragmatic management of technical debt by @henrikkniberg
An evolving guide to CSS architecture for sites small and large.
pubsub via webhooks, or "twitter" for your applications
form follows data - towards creative information visualization
Robyn Miller, one of the brothers Miller who created Myst, has started a blog: tinselman.
Very nice essay about simple vs. complex software architectures and real world's needs vs. big companies imaginations...